The list of struggles and difficulties faced by many low-income families can be quite lengthy. The obvious struggle to make ends meet when it comes time to pay the bills each month can lead to a lot of tough decisions. Choices must be made about what to sacrifice and when.
Fortunately, when it comes to cell phones, they no longer have to be one of the tough decisions or one of the items placed on the chopping block to be sacrificed. If you qualify for the government-assisted Lifeline program, you may be eligible to receive free Lifeline phone service.
If your family participates in any of a variety of government assistance programs and is Lifeline eligible, you may also qualify to receive a free smartphone from Assist Wireless (an eligible telecommunications carrier). Whether you are a beneficiary of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (otherwise known as Food Stamps), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, Federal Public Housing Assistance, the Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit, or any of several State assistance programs, you may qualify for free Lifeline phone service and a free phone with Assist Wireless.
The Lifeline program is what is commonly referred to as “Obama phones”; however, the program stretches back much farther than that. The program began in the 1980s when the government recognized that access to telephones was no longer a luxury, but rather a necessity for life. Throughout the decades, the program has evolved along with technology, and cell phone service is offered to qualifying low-income families.
Assist Wireless can help you assess your eligibility, and if you are indeed eligible has several options available to choose from to fit your exact needs and budget. Of course, one of the options at Assist is a free smartphone for qualifying individuals. Additionally, if you already own a phone you like, you can certainly keep that phone (as long you are eligible for Lifeline and the phone is compatible with the Assist network) and then simply add the free Lifeline service. Choosing this option will generate some additional benefits beyond keeping a phone you already like. You can also get extra data on your plan for free if you choose the Bring Your Own Device option from Assist Wireless.
The Lifeline Program allows low-income families to continue doing everything that’s necessary to function within our modern society. The Lifeline phone service provides you with the freedom to remain in contact with friends and family via phone calls, texts, or email and messaging apps that are so commonplace among most Americans these days. Additionally, it helps you stay in touch with schools, employers (and potential employers), as well as medical and emergency services.
Beyond the obvious financial relief provided by getting a free smartphone from Assist Wireless, low-income families reap several other benefits. First, having a phone available is an essential safety requirement. By having the Lifeline phone, families can access basic emergency services such as being able to call 9-1-1 and receive text message alerts from weather services or other messages such as Amber Alerts. Also, as anyone who has filled out a job application recently knows, companies need to be able to contact you not only by phone but usually will communicate primarily through email throughout the hiring process. A free smartphone provides access to email services without the need for expensive computers and home internet services or time-consuming trips to the local library.
Benefits like this are not only helpful for improving the quality of life immediately but can have long-term positive effects as well. This is the primary reason for the creation of the Lifeline program in the first place. The government recognizes that being able to stay connected to friends and family is essential to the well-being of families that are spread out across the country much more than they used to be in the past. Also, finding and maintaining a job is often difficult if the company you work for is unable to contact you easily, and oftentimes the opportunity to advance in a career can be significantly handicapped if your company is unable to contact you.
Assist Wireless is here to help you determine if you are eligible for Lifeline and walk you through the application process. The Lifeline program limits you to one phone service line per household, but that single service line carries with it so many advantages. If you are a low-income family, it makes sense to use every program available to its maximum benefit. As was mentioned at the beginning of this article, you already must make enough tough choices about finances. Why not alleviate that burden regarding your cell phone service?
The Lifeline free government smartphone service is an amazing benefit available to low-income families. In modern America, a smartphone is no longer a luxury. Just as was the case with landline telephone service in the 1980s, the government recognizes the necessity of smartphones to be fully integrated into our society, which is why the Lifeline Program is such an important and helpful program that benefits millions of Americans. Assist Wireless customer service representatives are available to help you at any of their 29+ locations in Oklahoma.